Poster depicting Gasaraki
1376 ratings
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1998-10-04 to 1999-03-28

The flames of war explode in the Middle East as two shadow forces unleash monstrous new weapons of mass destruction! But in a world in which giant robots are real, the most dangerous weapon of all lies buried within a human mind. Yushiro, the fourth son of the mysterious and powerful Gowa family, finds himself at the center of events that will change the future of mankind forever! Nothing can prepare the human race for what is about to be unleashed in Gasaraki!

(Source: Sunrise)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Miharu main Monica Rial English
Miharu main Mami Kingetsu Japanese
Yushiro Gowa main Chris Patton English
Yushiro Gowa main Nobuyuki Hiyama Japanese
Phantom supporting Illich Guardiola English
Phantom supporting Issei Miyazaki Japanese
Rin Ataka supporting Minami Takayama Japanese
Rin Ataka supporting Kelly Manison English
Yukino Gowa supporting Laura Chapman English
Yukino Gowa supporting Seiko Fujiki Japanese
Kiyoharu Gowa supporting Brett Weaver English
Kiyoharu Gowa supporting Isshin Chiba Japanese
Kazukiyo Gowa supporting Andy McAvin English
Kazukiyo Gowa supporting Yuji Takada Japanese
Misuzu Gowa supporting Hilary Haag English
Misuzu Gowa supporting Satomi Koorogi Japanese
Tamotsu Hayakawa supporting John Gremillion English
Tamotsu Hayakawa supporting Kunihiko Yasui Japanese
Kahoru Kaburagi supporting Narumi Hidaka Japanese
Kahoru Kaburagi supporting Heather Bryson English
Sunao Murai supporting Sakura Tange Japanese
Sunao Murai supporting Jennifer K. Earhart English

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