Poster depicting Pia Carrot: The Movie
278 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: Welcome to Pia Carrot! Sayaka's Love Story
2002-10-19 to 2002-10-19

High schoolers Sayaka Takai and Akihiko Kannazuki work together at a restaurant chain "Pia Carrot." Both are interested in each other, but before either could make a move Sayaka was temporarily rotated to the newly established branch at a beach resort. While waitress girls at this new location did their best to confront harassment, make new friends, and attract new customers by attending a beauty contest, Sayaka's feeling for Akihiko never stops and has become stronger and stronger.

(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Sayaka Takai main Yumi Kakazu Japanese
Tomomi Aizawa supporting Miwa Kouzuki Japanese
Akemi Hasegawa supporting Junko Kusayanagi Japanese
Azusa Hinomori supporting Minami Nagasaki Japanese

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